Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another Song For The Ages

This one from Internet Music Sensation Jonathan Coulton. Go to his website and give him lots of money because he made the theme to the game 'Portal' and you didn't.

Jonathan Coulton - W's Duty (2.1 mb)

Thanks to www.jonathancoulton.com

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Song For The Ages

In mp3 format so you can listen to it while you're at the gym.

Over The Rhine - The Poopsmith Song (3.58 mb)

Thanks to www.overtherhine.com

Saturday, September 6, 2008


You can buy some here. Although it seems easier to soil a real pair.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Kung Poo

This video courtesty of www.bestweekever.tv

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Water go down the hole!

These animated potty training videos show almost as much anatomy as those other web sites you've been looking at...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Eat shit...

...or at least a confectionery representation of it!

'Chocka Ca-Ca!' is perfect for the coprophagiac in your life (look it up).

Each actual baby diaper comes stocked with a delicious 'ca-ca' shaped piece of fudge inside.

Buy some now for the ones you love here!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Japanese Poop Museum is #1

Japan has always been known for getting a head start on some of the coolest fads. I think a Poop Museum would make a grand addition to The Smithsonian here in the States. Until then, it looks like Japan has the upper hand...

Read all about it here.

(I would kill to visit that gift shop with a pocket full of yen!)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

At last, the Toilet Snorkel!

Apparently, if your building is burning and you can't get out, this bendy straw allows you to breathe the air directly from the sewer and not from your smoke filled room. Also makes a great bong!

Friday, February 22, 2008